Types of the Folktale in the Arab World is an index and preliminary analysis of folktales told by the diverse ethnic groups that populate what is commonly called "the Arab World." It is also a comprehensive and interdisciplinary guide to tales told in related cultural spheres, from sub-Saharan Africa to Turkey and beyond. A folktale’s emergence, spread, stability, change, continued presence, or disappearance among certain social groups depends on specific psychological, social, and cultural forces. While Hasan El-Shamy has adopted the familiar tale-type classification system employed by Antti Aarne and Stith Thompson, he also seeks to remedy the Eurocentric shortcomings of their system by addressing folklore as behavior, striving to bring the psychosocial foundation for the Arab renditions to this comprehensive and inclusive index. Types of the Folktale in the Arab World is destined to become an indispensable reference work for all who are interested in Arab culture and the folktale.
Types of the Folktale in the Arab World
Types of the Folktale in the Arab World
- Hasan El-Shamy
- Publication Date
2004 - Website
- Publication information