From Cinderella to comic con to colonialism and more, this companion provides readers with a comprehensive and current guide to the fantastic, uncanny, and wonderful worlds of the fairy tale across media and cultures. It offers a clear, detailed, and expansive overview of contemporary themes and issues throughout the intersections of the fields of fairy-tale studies, media studies, and cultural studies, addressing, among others, issues of reception, audience cultures, ideology, remediation, and adaptation. Examples and case studies are drawn from a wide range of pertinent disciplines and settings, providing thorough, accessible treatment of central topics and specific media from around the globe.
The Routledge Companion to Media and Fairy-Tale Cultures
The Routledge Companion to Media and Fairy-Tale Cultures
- Pauline Greenhill, Jill Terry Rudy ('97 Ph.D.), , Naomi Hamer, Lauren Bosc , Jessie Riddle (Ph.D. candidate)
- Publication Date